Welcome to Wealthy Women
Financial Planning!

I offer practical, affordable financial planning & coaching to educate and empower women to take control of their finances so they can write their money story and live a life they love.

Financial planning
for women is important at any age.

Whether you are single, married, changing careers, starting a family, getting divorced, or caring for elderly parents, there are key financial steps you should be taking to ensure you meet your financial goals.

Start with your FREE Call 

Meet your
Financial Planner

Lauren Willows (Wiezel) is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), personal finance expert, and founder of Wealthy Women Financial Planning.

Her passion is demystifying money management for women - to educate and inform in a way that makes sense, that is easy to understand (and to implement). She helps women accelerate, financially.

Lauren believes that women can benefit greatly from working with a financial professional who can help them understand their options and implement plans designed to provide them (and the people who love them) with financially secure lives.

It’s time to feel empowered with the financial confidence and resources you need to take control of your money and your life..

More about Lauren...

Are you ready to move forward with your finances? 

Want to take action but don't know where to start?

Schedule your Discovery Call Now!


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